Sunday, April 22, 2012

Finally Finished 30 Day Shred

It only took me about five months, but I finally finished 30DS. I wouldn't say I am the best example of how the program is supposed to be done (okay maybe the worst example). I did it once, maybe twice a week. I had experienced multiple illnesses causing me to put things on pause. The rest of the week I ran three to five miles to round out my five work outs a week. I have also lost pretty much no weight. Okay, maybe a pound. I think you'll see more results in my after pictures below. I lost my before pictures. I'm so sad. I suppose the after ones speak for  themselves. Considering I had a baby six months ago my abs look pretty good.

Since I lost my old before pictures we'll use these ones for my before Crossfit pictures, which I am going to start in mid May. Now that I am in better shape I did find 30DS was getting too easy for me. I think it is a great starting point to recovering from injury or getting back into things after being gone for a while like I was. I might do a level three work out again in the future. Now it is time for me to move onto something new though.

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