Monday, February 14, 2011

Race Report: Valentine's Day Dash

This past Saturday I ran in my first 5k. Hard to believe, but it was. I ran the Valentine's Day Dash around Green Lake in Seattle, Washington. H had to work, so my friend Talia ran it with me. Back in January when I signed up my goal was to run nine minute miles. We ended up meeting that goal with our official pace being 9:02 (my watch says 8:54 average pace, so that is what I am going with) and a finish time of 28 minutes flat.

We arrived at the race about 40 minutes early. We were able to get around with little traffic issues and with minimal lines at the porter potty. We grabbed our race packets and had enough time to go back to the car to drop off our stuff and come back to the starting line.

We got in line for the start in between the nine and ten minute pace groups. That turned out to be a big mistake. The first mile we spent a lot of time and energy trying to pass people. Next time we will over estimate on the faster end. There is no time to be waisted in a 5k! Our first mile pace was 9:05.

Mile two we had passed most of the people slowing us up. I was hungry to see the two mile marker we saw on our drive in. I was feeling really good at this point, especially for running so fast for a sustained time. Our two mile pace was 8:36.

The last mile is where I struggled. I started to feel nauseous. My legs still felt pretty good, though. I started to slow down a little bit. Watchers on the side lines were cheering us on so I had to hang in there. Finally we were reentering in towards the finish, where we go through the "tunnel of love". At this point is where my stomach could not stay in place. I knew I had less than a quarter mile left. I wanted to hang on so badly, but my gag reflex could not. I had to pull to the side really quick in the tunnel of love and almost lost my breakfast. Luckily I didn't, I hung on, but my quick pit stop cost me a precious 10 to 20 seconds that would have helped me smash my goal! Argh! Talia was a good friend and stuck with me. We finished together and I got some water. It helped settle my stomach. Our last mile pace ended up being 8:58.

The race itself is a lot of fun. It is a good beginners race too. It is completely flat. Only part of the race is run on Green Lake, which is nice. Those poor spectators out walking their dogs do not need to get run over by a bunch of people and much less racers need not worry about dodging them either. The tunnel of love added some interest along the race course. I do wish it was not right at the end (and I also wish I didn't almost throw up in it).

On of the best parts was after the race Talia and I went to Brown Bag in Kirkland where I attempted to eat most of this fruit omelet. Yum! Next up Seahawks 12k in April..

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